February 1 & February 2, 2025
Confidence in the waiting
Today we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. When Joseph and Mary brought Jesus to the temple, the elder Simeon met them and recognized in him the awaited Messiah (cf. Lk 2:22-40). Their encounter was the consoling answer to their long wait. Do you, like Simeon, hope to meet him? Take care during this day that in your encounters with friends, family or strangers, you are able to recognize in them the Lord who is always looking for you. Today the Church also celebrates the World Day for Consecrated Life. Let us keep in mind consecrated persons, who are an example of waiting and attentive listening to the voice of the Lord. Bring to your mind also those who await the call in their vocation.
Conclude by praying the prayer of offering for those who discern the vocation to Consecrated Life.
Under the directive from the Diocese of Honolulu
St. Joseph Church has set up an egiving program to allow parishioners and guests an easier way to give. It will also allow the donors to: 1. Give from anywhere using a computer, tablet, or smartphone. 2. No need to find a check or stop by the ATM. 3. Use your Checking/Savings Account or your Debit/Credit Card. 4. Schedule gifts to occur automatically. Click on the give now link or on your phone using my parish app. “All must give as they are able, according to the blessings given to them by the Lord your God.” Deuteronomy 16:17
Online donations may be made at any time from the comfort of your own home or any place with internet access. Online donations are credited to your tax statement for the end of the year (except when made anonymously)and you can change your account preferences and donation amounts at any time.
Saint Joseph Church Makawao - Bulletin

The Gospel Reading, Luke 2:22-40 (Shorter Form: Luke 2:22-32)
Simeon recognizes the infant Jesus as the promised Messiah.
Today the Church celebrates the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the temple. The Presentation, which is celebrated 40 days after Christmas, is not mentioned in the other Gospels. Only Luke tells the story, most likely because he writes for Gentile Christians who are not familiar with the Jewish rite of presentation and purification. In addition, the intent of Luke’s Gospel is to show that God’s promise to Israel, fulfilled in Jesus, extends to Gentiles.
Luke recognizes Joseph and Mary as faithful Jews who bring Jesus to the Temple in Jerusalem. Here they present their firstborn son to the Lord. Jesus is thus consecrated as required by the Law of Moses. Present in the temple at this time are Simeon and Anna. Both are awaiting the restoration of God’s rule in Israel.
Simeon had been promised by the Holy Spirit that he would see Christ the Lord, the Messiah, before he died. The holy man immediately recognized the infant Jesus as the promised Savior, a “light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel.” Anna also recognized Jesus as the fulfillment of the promise of redemption and spoke about him to all.
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Today’s reading from the Gospel of Luke offers us the first words of Jesus as he begins his public ministry. The words reflect his understanding of his Spirit-anointed mission. His words are his “Mission Statement.” Good stewards rejoice in being followers of Jesus. They realize that Jesus’ commission is their commission as well. They embrace it and adopt it as their own. We, too, have “glad tidings” to bring to a suffering world. This year, how will we fulfill Christ’s commission in the world in which he has placed us, using the gifts he has entrusted to us?
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First Thursday of Every Month. Come anytime between 5-6:30 pm.. All are Welcome!
Effective May 2021, the Thrift Store hours of operation became every Tuesday from 8 a.m. - 12 noon, and the 3rd Saturday from 8am to noon.