"Catholic Christian stewardship begins with openness to change and becomes a new person in Christ". Our way of stewardship is to express gratitude to God by putting faith into action. How can you give back? By giving of your Time, Talent and Treasures. How can I respond to God’s call in more than just words? Choose a St. Joseph Church ministry listed that best fits your God-given gifts and talents. Be part of the many ways you can put the Eucharist into action and live as a disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ.
“In truth I say to you, whatever you did to one of the least of my brothers, you did it to me” (Matt 25:40).
ALTAR LINEN - Prepare altar linens for Liturgical celebrations.
ALTAR SERVERS - Youth who have received First Holy Communion serve by assisting the priest during the celebration of the mass.
ARTS & ENVIRONMENT - Plan and implement themes to decorate the church based on the Liturgical seasons.
BEREAVEMENT - Meet with families to prepare arrangements for funeral celebrations, prepare church on funeral day and assist the family as needed.
EXTRAORDINARY MINISTER OF HOLY COMMUNION MINISTRY Assist the priest with Eucharist during Liturgy (mass), the hospitalized and homebound.
FOOD PANTRY MINISTRY - Distribute food to needy, share and make Jesus present in their lives.
LECTOR – Read prayerfully the Word of God during Liturgical celebrations.
MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER - Strengthen married couples life by experiencing the benefits of a Marriage Encounter weekend.
MUSIC MINISTRY – Enhance the celebration of the mass through music.
RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) - Initiate and form active adult Catholics by study to recognize the richness of Catholic tradition; introduce and share a Catechist faith journey and learn about the Sacraments through the Holy Bible.
THRIFT SHOP - Operates through volunteered assistance, sort donated items and work in the shop during its hours of operation.
USHERS - Greet and assist parishioners/visitors, select families for offertory processions, collect offerings and maintain orderly movement during distribution of Holy Communion.
YOUTH MINISTRY – Youth ministry is the Christian community response to the needs of young people. Need volunteers able to work with youth (ages 11-18), assist coordinator to empower our youth to participate and grow in their Christian life.
YOUNG ADULTS MINISTRY (YAM) - Foster and sustain an active faith community for young adults, host events for the parish, assist other ministries in their events, have regular formal meetings and fellowships. priest.