St. Joseph Church Youth Ministry
SJC Youth Group has been very active this year sharing their gifts of time, talent & treasure with the parish community by providing the live streaming of the 9:00 am Mass on Sundays, Christmas, Easter Triduum, Stations of the Cross.
They have also narrated the passion on Palm Sunday and Good Friday, led the Stations of the Cross on Good Friday, commentate at the Saturday, 5 p.m. Mass, and assist in sanitizing of the church. They have attended virtual Diocesan Youth Day in October 2020. Theyy planned and attended the Summer Youth Event for the youth of parish last July.
During COVID-19 the youth and young adult ministry were limited to certain events but found ways to gather and serve the church community.
Reported by: Diane Jacinto

St. Joseph Church Youth Ministry
In July, 2021, The SJC Youth Ministry Summer Event hosted 24 youths (11 from Grades 3-5 and 13 from grades 6-12).

St. Joseph Church Youth Ministry
In July, 2021, The SJC Youth Ministry Summer Event hosted 24 youths (11 from Grades 3-5 and 13 from grades 6-12).

St. Joseph Church Youth Ministry
In July, 2021, The SJC Youth Ministry Summer Event hosted 24 youths (11 from Grades 3-5 and 13 from grades 6-12).
2021 St. Joseph Catholic Church Young Adults Ministry Summer Event
On Saturday, July 10, 2021 our guest speaker was Deacon Chris Ribucan of Holy Rosary, Paia. Deacon Chris spoke and shared the story of the woman at the well – how she encountered Jesus, the Living Water, and went out into town and sharing her experience with townspeople.
On Saturday, July 24, 201, guest speakers were Scott and Kalae Martin, former youth ministers of St. Theresa, Kihei. Scott and Kalae spoke and shared the story of Noah and his daily walk with God. Noah’s experience when God asked him to build the ark. The sign and covenant that God made with Noah. Challenging our youth to practice A.R.K. (Act of random kindness) each day.
The youth ministry extends their appreciation and thanks to all you gave their time, talent, and treasure in making this event a success – Fr. Michael Tolentino, Chris Ah Puck, Arsie Anderson, Kim Metz, Jacob Metz, Deacon Chris and Dawn Ribucan, Scott and Kalae Martin, Lee-Aloha Amor, SJC YAM/EPIC Ministry – Kianalei Jacinto, Lennel Alvarez, and Chester Pias, and to those who donated supplies.
The planning and organizing of the event were led by Leilah Eusebio and AJ Alvarez, along with Tatiana Kanoho, Haylee Pruse, Kaleo Gallen, Krystal Garcia and Jared Magaoay. These are members of the youth ministry and showed great dedication and commitment to making this event possible.
Reported by: Diane Jacinto
The Youth Ministry gathers/meets every Sunday from 10:15 am - 11:45 am.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jason and Diane Jacinto at (808) 572-4623.
Thank you for your continued prayers, support and participation./p>
Sincerely in Christ,
Jason & Diane Jacinto
Youth Ministry Moderators