January 4 & January 5, 2025
Shortening Distances
Thank the Lord for this new day. Offer yourself to serve Him in the mission of compassion that He entrusts to you, wherever you may be today. Let His Word speak to your heart: “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us” (Jn. 1:1-18). Ask yourself: How can you embody His love for those around you? How can you shorten distances and draw closer to those who need you? Pray for His heart to serve those you meet today, especially those He entrusts to you this month. Trust in His guidance, remembering that you don’t choose your neighbor—He brings them to you in those who cross your path each day.
Offer your day to Him with the daily offering prayer.
Under the directive from the Diocese of Honolulu
St. Joseph Church has set up an egiving program to allow parishioners and guests an easier way to give. It will also allow the donors to: 1. Give from anywhere using a computer, tablet, or smartphone. 2. No need to find a check or stop by the ATM. 3. Use your Checking/Savings Account or your Debit/Credit Card. 4. Schedule gifts to occur automatically. Click on the give now link or on your phone using my parish app. “All must give as they are able, according to the blessings given to them by the Lord your God.” Deuteronomy 16:17
Online donations may be made at any time from the comfort of your own home or any place with internet access. Online donations are credited to your tax statement for the end of the year (except when made anonymously)and you can change your account preferences and donation amounts at any time.
Saint Joseph Church Makawao - Bulletin
The Gospel Reading, Mathew 2:1-12
The Magi seek out Jesus and do him homage.
The visit of the Magi occurs directly before the story of the Holy Family’s flight into Egypt. Matthew’s Gospel tells a version of Jesus’ birth that is different than the one in Luke. Of the actual birth of Jesus, Matthew tells us little more than, “When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, in the days of King Herod . . . ” The story of the census is found only in Luke’s Gospel, but we hear about the visit of the Magi only in Matthew’s Gospel.
We know little about the Magi. They come from the East and journey to Bethlehem, following an astrological sign, so we believe them to be astrologers. We assume that there were three Magi based upon the naming of their three gifts. The Gospel does not say how many Magi paid homage to Jesus. In Matthew’s Gospel, they represent the Gentiles’ search for a savior. Because the Magi represent the entire world, they also represent our search for Jesus.
We have come to consider the gifts they bring as a foreshadowing of Jesus’ role in salvation. We believe the meaning of the gifts to be Christological. Gold is presented as representative of Jesus’ kingship. Frankincense is a symbol of his divinity because priests burned the substance in the Temple. Myrrh, which was used to prepare the dead for burial, is offered in anticipation of Jesus’ death.
The word Epiphany means “manifestation” or “showing forth.” Historically several moments in Christ’s early life and ministry have been celebrated as “epiphanies,” including his birth in Bethlehem, the visit of the Magi, his baptism by John, and his first miracle at Cana. ”
(https://www.loyolapress.com/catholic-resources/liturgical-year/sunday-connection )
The ultimate aim of Saint Paul’s Letter to the Colossians is to teach the community how to deepen its relationship with Christ Jesus. His list of virtues summarizes the ideals of communal stewardship: compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. For Paul, practicing these virtues opens our hearts to Christ as individuals and as a worshipping community. This is how the Christian community ought to live. This is how its members should behave in their dealings with others, particularly with fellow believers. As we approach a new year, how might we embrace one of these virtues more fully in order to deepen our relationship with Jesus?
—— (https://catholicstewardship.com/)
First Thursday of Every Month. Come anytime between 5-6:30 pm.. All are Welcome!
Effective May 2021, the Thrift Store hours of operation became every Tuesday from 8 a.m. - 12 noon, and the 3rd Saturday from 8am to noon.